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A dynamic business leader, Mr. Singh has an experience of 44 years spanning 5 years in the Indian Railways; 3 years in IFFCO Phoolpur Unit and 36 years in KRIBHCO Hazira Unit. He is a Masters in Public Administration by learning with LLB and PG Diploma in Materials Management from the prestigious IIMM Mumbai.
Mr. Singh has been with the company as a mentor and a key Senior Management Decision Maker since last 11 years from the conceptualizations stage of this concept called Anya to a Business Group, even today he continues to be the torch bearer. He not only commands an unparalleled authority on all aspects of operations - right from procurement to production to dispatches to next orders; but also his overall persona does call for undisputed respect & authority With his exposure, involvement, caliber, in-depth knowledge he is “The Man Friday” for the group.