• 0120-4159498
  • Address:
    Regd. Office: Level S2, Tower "E", International Trade Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
    Corp. Office: B-243, Sector 26, Noida-201301,U.P.


The Retail Business vertical of APFL – the Anya Unnati Kendra was launched at Village Kant, Dist. Shahjahanpur, U.P. in September 2023 to promote the retail sales of APFL manufactured micronutrients and fertilizers. We now have five such Unnati Kendras across the state of Uttar Pradesh. This vertical is playing a huge role in gaining ground-level touch with the end-user, the farmer/farming labour. Feedback from the market is processed in real time by our R&D lab and needful course corrections done after thoroughly studying and understanding the issues at the user end. Solutions are then customized and offered to the end user, which help them achieve high yield.

Fertilizers Unit Organic
Fertilizers Unit Organic